92 research outputs found


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    For the retinal blood vessels segmentation, we used a method, which is based on the morphological operations. The output of this process is extracted retinal binary image, where is situated main blood vessels. In this paper is used dataset of images (2800 images) from device RetCam3. Before applying the image processing, it was selected 30 images with diagnosed pre-plus diseases, and it is divided into two groups with low contrast and good contrast images. In the next part of the analysis, it was analyzing and showing blood vessels with tortuosity. Tortuosity is a symptom of ROP (retinopathy of prematurity). The clinical physicians evaluate tortuosity by visual comparison of the retinal images images. For this reason, it was suggested model which can automatically indicate the tortuosity of the retinal blood vessels by setting a threshold of the blood vessels curvature

    A Method for the Structural Investigation of Membrane Proteins

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    We investigated in meso crystallization of membrane proteins to develop a fast screening technology which combines features of the well established classical vapor diffusion experiment with the batch meso phase crystallization, but without premixing of protein and monoolein. It inherits the advantages of both methods, namely (i) the stabilization of membrane proteins in the meso phase, (ii) the control of hydration level and additive concentration by vapor diffusion. The new technology (iii) significantly simplifies in meso crystallization experiments and allows the use of standard liquid handling robots suitable for 96 well formats. CIMP crystallization furthermore allows (iv) direct monitoring of phase transformation and crystallization events. Bacteriorhodopsin (BR) crystals of high quality and diffraction up to 1.3 Å resolution have been obtained in this approach. CIMP and the developed consumables and protocols have been successfully applied to obtain crystals of sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) from Halobacterium salinarum for the first time


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    The paper deals with the segmentation procedure for optical nerve localization and the consequent determination of geometrical parameters such as optical nerve area, radius and diameter. An extraction of these geometrical parameters is especially important for clinical practice particularly in the case where retinal lesions are present. On the base of the optical nerve extraction, we are capable of comparing it with area of retinal lesions. Via this approach it is possible to track time evaluation of retinal lesions. The proposed algorithm for segmentation of optical nerve area is performed within two main steps. In the first step, the active contour method is used specially for the localization of the optical nerve. This part of the algorithm generates mathematical model of the optical nerve in binary form. Consequently, on the base of this mathematical model of the optical nerve respective geometrical parameters are worked out for future comparison with retinal lesions. Image preprocessing is an integral part of the segmentation procedure, improving the observability of the optical nerve to ensure as relevant detection of the optical nerve as possible


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    In this work, a MATLAB-based graphical user interface is proposed for the visual examination of several eye movements. The proposed solution is algorithm-based, which localizes the area of the eye movement, removes artifacts, and calculates the view trajectory in terms of direction and orb deviation. To compute the algorithm, a five-electrode configuration is needed. The goodness of the proposed MATLAB-based graphical user interface has been validated, at the Clinic of Child Neurology of University Hospital of Ostrava, through the EEG Wave Program, which was considered as “gold standard” test. The proposed solution can help physicians on studying cerebral diseases, or to be used for the development of human-machine interfaces useful for the improvement of the digital era that surrounds us today

    Prediction model of alcohol intoxication from facial temperature dynamics based on K-means clustering driven by evolutionary computing

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    Alcohol intoxication is a significant phenomenon, affecting many social areas, including work procedures or car driving. Alcohol causes certain side effects including changing the facial thermal distribution, which may enable the contactless identification and classification of alcohol-intoxicated people. We adopted a multiregional segmentation procedure to identify and classify symmetrical facial features, which reliably reflects the facial-temperature variations while subjects are drinking alcohol. Such a model can objectively track alcohol intoxication in the form of a facial temperature map. In our paper, we propose the segmentation model based on the clustering algorithm, which is driven by the modified version of the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) evolutionary optimization with the goal of facial temperature features extraction from the IR (infrared radiation) images. This model allows for a definition of symmetric clusters, identifying facial temperature structures corresponding with intoxication. The ABC algorithm serves as an optimization process for an optimal cluster's distribution to the clustering method the best approximate individual areas linked with gradual alcohol intoxication. In our analysis, we analyzed a set of twenty volunteers, who had IR images taken to reflect the process of alcohol intoxication. The proposed method was represented by multiregional segmentation, allowing for classification of the individual spatial temperature areas into segmentation classes. The proposed method, besides single IR image modelling, allows for dynamical tracking of the alcohol-temperature features within a process of intoxication, from the sober state up to the maximum observed intoxication level.Web of Science118art. no. 99

    Structural and functional basis of mammalian microRNA biogenesis by Dicer

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    MicroRNA (miRNA) and RNA interference (RNAi) pathways rely on small RNAs produced by Dicer endonucleases. Mammalian Dicer primarily supports the essential gene-regulating miRNA pathway, but how it is specifically adapted to miRNA biogenesis is unknown. We show that the adaptation entails a unique structural role of Dicer’s DExD/H helicase domain. Although mice tolerate loss of its putative ATPase function, the complete absence of the domain is lethal because it assures high-fidelity miRNA biogenesis. Structures of murine Dicer⋅miRNA precursor complexes revealed that the DExD/H domain has a helicase-unrelated structural function. It locks Dicer in a closed state, which facilitates miRNA precursor selection. Transition to a cleavage-competent open state is stimulated by Dicer-binding protein TARBP2. Absence of the DExD/H domain or its mutations unlocks the closed state, reduces substrate selectivity, and activates RNAi. Thus, the DExD/H domain structurally contributes to mammalian miRNA biogenesis and underlies mechanistical partitioning of miRNA and RNAi pathways

    Controlled In Meso Phase Crystallization – A Method for the Structural Investigation of Membrane Proteins

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    We investigated in meso crystallization of membrane proteins to develop a fast screening technology which combines features of the well established classical vapor diffusion experiment with the batch meso phase crystallization, but without premixing of protein and monoolein. It inherits the advantages of both methods, namely (i) the stabilization of membrane proteins in the meso phase, (ii) the control of hydration level and additive concentration by vapor diffusion. The new technology (iii) significantly simplifies in meso crystallization experiments and allows the use of standard liquid handling robots suitable for 96 well formats. CIMP crystallization furthermore allows (iv) direct monitoring of phase transformation and crystallization events. Bacteriorhodopsin (BR) crystals of high quality and diffraction up to 1.3 Å resolution have been obtained in this approach. CIMP and the developed consumables and protocols have been successfully applied to obtain crystals of sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) from Halobacterium salinarum for the first time

    Target 2035-update on the quest for a probe for every protein

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    Twenty years after the publication of the first draft of the human genome, our knowledge of the human proteome is still fragmented. The challenge of translating the wealth of new knowledge from genomics into new medicines is that proteins, and not genes, are the primary executers of biological function. Therefore, much of how biology works in health and disease must be understood through the lens of protein function. Accordingly, a subset of human proteins has been at the heart of research interests of scientists over the centuries, and we have accumulated varying degrees of knowledge about approximately 65% of the human proteome. Nevertheless, a large proportion of proteins in the human proteome (∼35%) remains uncharacterized, and less than 5% of the human proteome has been successfully targeted for drug discovery. This highlights the profound disconnect between our abilities to obtain genetic information and subsequent development of effective medicines. Target 2035 is an international federation of biomedical scientists from the public and private sectors, which aims to address this gap by developing and applying new technologies to create by year 2035 chemogenomic libraries, chemical probes, and/or biological probes for the entire human proteome

    Advances in purification and separation of posttranslationally modified proteins

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    Expression and Purification of Functional Human Mu Opioid Receptor from E.coli

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    N-terminally his-tagged human mu opioid receptor, a G protein-coupled receptor was produced in E.coli employing synthetic codon-usage optimized constructs. The receptor was expressed in inclusion bodies and membrane-inserted in different E.coli strains. By optimizing the expression conditions the expression level for the membrane-integrated receptor was raised to 0.3-0.5 mg per liter of culture. Milligram quantities of receptor could be enriched by affinity chromatography from IPTG induced cultures grown at 18°C. By size exclusion chromatography the protein fraction with the fraction of alpha-helical secondary structure expected for a 7-TM receptor was isolated, by CD-spectroscopy an alpha-helical content of ca. 45% was found for protein solubilised in the detergent Fos-12. Receptor in Fos-12 micelles was shown to bind endomorphin-1 with a K(D) of 61 nM. A final yield of 0.17 mg functional protein per liter of culture was obtained